Let’s address the elephant in the room, first. The term CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. is terribly misleading. When you run an experimentation process, you are not trying to optimize the conversion rate – you are trying to positively impact growth by persuading your app and site visitors to perform actions that are beneficial to your business.
You are optimizing your customer flows, your site’s conversion funnels, or even individual conversions. You are not trying to game a metric. Yes, “conversion rate” is a metric. In CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps., you are trying to improve the underlying business process that this metric measures rather than the metric itself.
That being said, CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. is so widely used to describe the formal approach to experimentation in the digital marketing industry that we can allow this misconception to persist.
However, conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. is only the very last thing you’ll evaluate in an experimentation process. It’s what you end up with when an experiment has run its course.
But to get to that evaluation stage, you first need to go through the flow of generating a variation based on a hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is., designing the tests to either prove or invalidate this variation, and implementing the test so that it produces fair and reproducible results.
At its best, CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. follows the scientific method closely.
A structured, hypothesis-driven approach tends to align your experimentation goals with the overall goals of the business. It turns into a feedback loop of constant data evaluation, research, experimentation, and implementation.
As a technical marketer, you’ll find that many of the CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. tools and software suites handle the most mechanical parts of the process for you. You don’t necessarily need to have a degree in statistics, and you don’t always need to build the technical components of an online experiment yourself when using these tools.
But one thing the tools will not be able to replace is how to generate hypothesesAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. about your business, your market segmentWhen data is grouped by property, attribute, or value, it is segmented. When building audiences for ads, for example, you need to choose for which user segments to target the ads., and your products and services in a way that will help you find new opportunities for growth.
Hypothesis design
Think back on the last time you made a significant design change on your website, your app, or a marketing campaign, for example.
Maybe you updated the hero image on your product’s landing pageIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones)., or perhaps you decided to go with a more persuasive headline in your holiday social media campaign.
Why did you do the change? What was the reason for it?
A hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. is an assumption that forms the foundation for the experiment. In the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is., you declare what you are changing, what the outcome of the change is, and what the reason for this outcome is. The experiment then strives to prove or disprove the design change based on this hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is..
Don’t miss this fact!
It’s important to understand that all outcomes of a (properly run) experiment are valuable. You might think that if the experiment disproves your variation it was a bad experiment. However, by disproving the variation, you now learn more about your business and your visitors, and you can use this knowledge to help refine your assumptions in the future.
Before creating designs or deploying experiments, you should start with formalizing the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is.. This is a popular template for hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. design:
If <what is changed>, then <desired outcome>, because <rationale for the outcome>, and this will be good for everyone because <rationale for the business decision>
You have been analyzing your landing pageIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones). data just to find that visitors are not interacting with the call-to-actionA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter. (CTAA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter.) on that landing pageIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones).. You are pretty sure this is because it is so far down the page that most visitors simply won’t reach it due to impatience or exhaustion or other reasons.
In this case, you formulate a hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is.:
If we update the CTAA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter. to be easier to find,
then we’ll see an uptick in interactions with the CTAA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter. without hurting sales,
because most users don’t scroll deep enough to find the CTAA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter.,
and this will be good for everyone because this could lead to more sales while offering a better user experience to our users.
Note that this is a single hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. about a single outcome. It’s possible the landing pageIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones). has far more opportunities for improving conversions, but it’s quite fine to take an atomic approach, too. However, you should always consider the bigger picture when generating hypothesesAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is.. You don’t want your change to the CTAA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter. to conflict with other messaging on the landing pageIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones)..
Remember that a strong hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. does not guarantee a “winning” experiment. You might think that all the time you spent in research and hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. design is wasted if the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. is rejected. But this is not true! You’ve learned something valuable about how your audience behaves, and you can use this to refine your approach for future experiments.
Deep Dive
Variable, result, and rationale
The simple hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. template above comprises three parts:
- VariableVariables are (usually small) pieces of code run in a TMS to fetch dynamic values for tags when they fire. A defining feature of variables is that they are re-evaluated whenever a tag fires. For example, if a variable fetches the exact time when a tag fired, it's important that it doesn't use the same, fixed value for all tags on the page. (what is being changed). What is the element (or elements) that needs to be changed for the desired outcome to manifest? Coming up with variablesVariables are (usually small) pieces of code run in a TMS to fetch dynamic values for tags when they fire. A defining feature of variables is that they are re-evaluated whenever a tag fires. For example, if a variable fetches the exact time when a tag fired, it's important that it doesn't use the same, fixed value for all tags on the page. is part of a research process. Start by looking at your analytics data to find poorly performing pages or forms, for example, and then try to figure out (also with qualitative data!) what could be a potential reason for the lower outcome.
- Result (what is the predicted outcome of this hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is.). You need to have a result in mind when making assumptions about the selected variable(s). What is the key metric that changes? What will you measure against? With landing pagesIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones). and forms, for example, the expected result is typically that conversions against a call-to-actionA website or app element that invites the user to perform some action that is beneficial to the business. A typical example is a button the user can click to subscribe to a newsletter. would improve. But it could be something more noisy, such as an uptick in dwell time for visitors to the page.
- Rationale (what is the reason for this experiment in the first place). This is where you show that the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. isn’t just something you cooked up on a whim. You need to show that the experiment’s origins are rooted in research and an understanding of your visitors and their behavior.
There are more comprehensive hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. templates available, too. For example, the following template from Craig Sullivan starts with the rationale and expands the other components, too.
Tip: Whichever hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. template you end up using, document your hypothesesAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. together with the background research. When the experiments are concluded, include their underlying hypothesesAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. prominently when presenting the results. Create a wiki or other databaseStructured storage for data that usually serves a singular purpose. For example, a company's financial records would be stored in a database. with a comprehensive history of these experiments – it can be an extremely valuable research tool for your entire organization.
Ready for a quick break?
One thing you should not experiment is whether you should have a break or not. Breaks are always beneficial to you, and this statement is as statistically significant as it gets.
Testing the hypothesis
You now have a hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. ready. You’ve made assumptions about your visitors’ behavior, about your website, about your business goals, and you are now ready to test whether the variation you created with the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. has a significant effect or not.
While the CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. software suites will typically handle the nuts and bolts of your experiments for you (check the next Topic for more details), it’s still important to understand what goes into experiment design itself.
There are many approaches to designing the experiment. Here are some of the fundamental decisions you’ll need to make:
- What are clear and measurable objectives for the test?
- What type of test do you need? An A/B testA type of experiment where one or more variations are tested against the control (original version) to see if the variations perform better with regard to an agreed upon conversion rate goal.? A multivariate testAn experiment where more than one variable is tested at the same time. The results are analyzed using combinations of different variables to see which is the strongest one.? A redirect testAn experiment where instead of showing different variations of a section of a page, users are distributed to different versions of the entire page instead. Redirect tests are useful when testing large, page-wide changes.?
- How will you ensure test validity? Do you have a large enough sample sizeThe number of visitors your experiment needs in order to have enough of a chance to reach a statistically significant result when there is an effect to be detected.? Are you assigning users to different variations in an appropriately randomized manner? Are you able to eliminate biases from test design?
Much of experiment design boils down to experience and research. The better you understand your business (and its goals), your audiences, and the limitations that might impact what types of experiments to run, the more robust designs you’ll be able to conjure.
An A/B testA type of experiment where one or more variations are tested against the control (original version) to see if the variations perform better with regard to an agreed upon conversion rate goal. means that you’re testing one or more variantsIn experimentation, variants are different versions of the variable that is the target of the experiment. Any visitor included in the experiment would (ideally) be exposed to a single variant of the variable for the duration of the test. (or variations) against the original (also known as the control). Typically, you’ll distribute traffic to the page equally between these variations, so that users only see the variation intended for them for the entire duration of the experiment.
But before you can do this, you’ll need to figure out what the duration of the experiment needs to be. You’ll also need to determine which conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. you are measuring against and how many visitors your experiment should be seen by to achieve a meaningful result.
Figuring out the sample sizeThe number of visitors your experiment needs in order to have enough of a chance to reach a statistically significant result when there is an effect to be detected. (number of visitors per variation) and experiment length (how long the experiment needs to run to reach a statistically valid result) can be determined with dedicated calculators (see this excellent calculator from abtestguide.com, for example).
The testing tools you use are designed to help determine the parameters for any given test, but you need to provide input about the conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. you’re trying to impact and what type of impact you’re satisfied with.
One thing you’ll learn when using these calculations is that the more traffic you have to the site, the easier it will be to run experiments. In fact, if your site doesn’t fetch enough traffic, you won’t be able to run A/B testsA type of experiment where one or more variations are tested against the control (original version) to see if the variations perform better with regard to an agreed upon conversion rate goal. at all, because your sample sizes will be too small to achieve any measure of viable results in a decent amount of time.
CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. is one of those disciplines where you can delegate much of the nuts and bolts to the testing software you use. While you could do everything with a calculator and a spreadsheet, modern testing tools are designed to guide you from hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. generation to experiment design, all the way to producing results than can be fed back to the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. machine.
As a technical marketer, it’s useful to understand the underlying concepts so that you can communicate results more efficiently in your organization. You’ll also be of use in fine-tuning the testing tools so that they work on your site properly and produce usable results.
We’ll talk more about CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps. tools in the next Topic.
Deep Dive
Calculators for tests
There are many test calculators online. Most of the testing tools themselves come with calculators, but there are online resources for this, too. For example, here is a calculator from abtestguide.com:
Here’s an explanation of the different components:
- Conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. Control is the baseline rate you currently have on the site. In this case, 1.7% of visitors to the landing pageIn digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page on a website which the marketing campaign links to. Landing pages are created for ads and newsletter links, for example, but they can be used more generally with any marketing campaign (even non-digital ones). subscribe to the newsletter.
- Expected improvement over control (also known as the minimum detectable effectThe smallest real change to the baseline conversion rate that you want the experiment to detect.) is the minimum improvement to the conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. that you want the experiment to detect. In this case 1.7 * 1.2 = 2.04%. In other words, the conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. produced by the variation needs to be at least 2.04% in order to run the test at the required levels of power and confidence (see below).
- Unique visitors on your test page per week is what it says it is. You need to feed what the expected or average number of weekly unique visitors is that visits the test page. This number can be sourced from an analytics tool. This is calculated together with the minimum sample sizeThe number of visitors your experiment needs in order to have enough of a chance to reach a statistically significant result when there is an effect to be detected. to determine the test duration.
- Max number of weeks for AB-test is how many weeks you intend to run the test. This might result in a calculation that doesn’t meet your expectations – for example, with the numbers in the form, the minimum test duration is 4 weeks. If you enter 3 as the maximum number of weeks, then the minimum expected improvement over control will be 2.09% (+23%) and not 2.04% (+20%).
- One-side vs. two-sided hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. configures whether you’re only interested in detecting an improvement (one-sided), or whether you’re interested in detecting a decline or an increase in the conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business.. A two-sided hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. requires a larger sample sizeThe number of visitors your experiment needs in order to have enough of a chance to reach a statistically significant result when there is an effect to be detected.. Most A/B testsA type of experiment where one or more variations are tested against the control (original version) to see if the variations perform better with regard to an agreed upon conversion rate goal. would be one-sided tests, as you’re only interested in detecting an improvement.
- Power is the strength of the test to actually detect a true effect in your variation. The higher the power, the more sensitive the test is to detect a meaningful difference. This is usually kept at 80%. If you increase the power of the test, the minimum sample sizeThe number of visitors your experiment needs in order to have enough of a chance to reach a statistically significant result when there is an effect to be detected. will also be bigger.
- Required confidence level is your tolerance for false positives. For example, if the confidence level is 95%, it means that there’s a 5% probability that the test detected an effect (conversion improvement) when there actually was none – this is a false positive result. A confidence level of 95% is common – to reduce the probability of false positives (i.e. increase the confidence level) will require a larger sample sizeThe number of visitors your experiment needs in order to have enough of a chance to reach a statistically significant result when there is an effect to be detected..
To use a calculator like this, you’ll need to feed in some numbers that you’ll easily get from your analytics tool of choice. Sometimes it might be difficult to decide what the minimum detectable effectThe smallest real change to the baseline conversion rate that you want the experiment to detect. you’re satisfied with is, but this is largely dictated by how much traffic you have to the site and how long you’re willing to run your experiments.
Key takeaway #1: A good hypothesis establishes the parameters of the test
In order to experiment, you need to have a business question, assumption, and goal in mind. Testing just for the sake of running tests is silly. It’s expensive and time-consuming. By starting with a solid hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is., you establish the baseline criteria for running the test and for evaluating its results. The hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. typically includes a declaration of what you are changing, what the expected outcome of the change is, and why the outcome came to be. The experiment then strives to prove or disprove the design change based on this hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is..
Key takeaway #2: From A/B tests to multivariate tests
The most popular test type is the A/B testA type of experiment where one or more variations are tested against the control (original version) to see if the variations perform better with regard to an agreed upon conversion rate goal.. In an A/B testA type of experiment where one or more variations are tested against the control (original version) to see if the variations perform better with regard to an agreed upon conversion rate goal., one or more versions of the control (original version) are tested against each other and the control to see which one performs best against the hypothesisAn assumption based on research that you want to prove or reject with experimentation. Minimally, it needs to include what you intend to change, what the expected outcome is, and what your rationale for the hypothesis is. and the metrics that measure the expected outcome. In CROConversion rate optimization refers to running tests and experiments with the purpose of improving the likelihood of conversion for visitors to your sites and apps., the metric goals typically have to do with conversions. Another popular test type is the multivariate testAn experiment where more than one variable is tested at the same time. The results are analyzed using combinations of different variables to see which is the strongest one., where multiple variablesVariables are (usually small) pieces of code run in a TMS to fetch dynamic values for tags when they fire. A defining feature of variables is that they are re-evaluated whenever a tag fires. For example, if a variable fetches the exact time when a tag fired, it's important that it doesn't use the same, fixed value for all tags on the page. in different combinations are tested in the same test.
Key takeaway #3: Calculations for setting up the test
To run a test successfully (i.e. that it produces a result), you need to be wary of a number of different metrics and measures that test design incorporates. For example, conversion rateThe ratio of conversion events to visitors or sessions. A high conversion rate usually means that your visitors are performing actions that are beneficial to your business. is the metric you probably want to improve. Power is the probability of detecting an effect where there is an effect to be detected. Confidence level is how confident you are the test result is not a false positive. A good calculator will help you generate these metrics.